
Monday 4 April 2011

Pincushions & Cake

I decided to add a flower to my apron after all

........ in the form of a pincushion.

Then I made some bigger ones ...

Peachy Pink Flowers

Pale Pink Rosebuds,

 Peachy Pink Rosebuds

...all available in my Esty shop shortly

I made a cake for Mothers day, I was not overly tempted by any of the cakes or deserts in the supermarket so I decided to make my own

Victoria sponge

..... topped with butter icing and pink caster sugar,

decorated with a sprinkling of silver dragees.

........ filled with strawberry formage frais and blackcurrant jam

Delicious it was...even if I did make it myself :)

12/04 Update : I should have got around to it before now but I seem to be saying that to myself a lot these days.

I took some pictures of the lovely gifts my four children gave to me for Mothers day

Wine, Chocolates, two beautiful plants, in colours I love :)

Can you see the beautiful pink glass plant pot just behind the chocolates

There was a chocolate orange too but we ate that before I managed to get a picture

and these are just so cute x
I feel very lucky and blessed to have 4 beautiful children


  1. I love your pincushions - and that cake looks so delicious!!

  2. Delicious cake! You are the best wife and mum in the world xx

  3. Hi Von,
    Was so impressed, with apron, I am doing one myself just now, lol, however, read your words, and life changes , we change, how we feel changes,how we see things, etc, and just wanted to say, artists are led by instinct, and if thats what you feel, today, then its right. Theresa,x

  4. Thanks Anne the cake was delicious, Kevin thanks for always being a good listener x & Theresa so glad you liked the apron looking forward to seeing yours, I shall be brining mine along to the next sewing day to keep all my bits and pieces together. Your right about change and feels right...the next step for me, thanks for your support x

  5. The pincushions are SWEET! So pretty! And what a blessed mummy to have 4 children. Lovely gifts! Our Mothers Day here in the United States is not til May...something.


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