
Thursday 24 March 2011

New Apron

Yesterday I decided that I would have a little break from the black & white and jump into a little project I have been wanting to do for a while.
To make a jeans apron to keep my sewing and craft bits and bobs handy and just for the fun of it really!

I saw Betz Whites tutorial for her cute little apron a while back and made a mental not to self to have a go soon, I then saw another one from Lucy at My Byrd House and this simple idea from Kleas if you don't fancy the sewing option.

Having a few pairs of old jeans stacked in a drawer in my studio I opted for a pair of Kevin's as the pockets were bigger and all that was left of these was the top bit, the legs having already been used for bunting triangles..... no waste in this house!

So here is my version

I was able to just use the button closure so no need to add ties

Love this fabric which I used for the inner back pocket

some leftover cotton tape stitched along the bottom edge and some of my fav blue and green buttons to finish ..... quick simple easy...made in an hour!

Me sporting my new craft apron!
Now I'll know where to find my tape measure, little metal ruler, pencil, notebook, scissors, needle threader, chalk and lip balm. I might decide to add a little pin cushion and a fabric flower or two!                                   


  1. There's just one problem - I don't own a pair of jeans - and Malcolm wears his old ones for gardening/DIY until they fall to bits!!

  2. Oh well at least he's making full use of them!

  3. what a clever idea! :o) I could do with one of these... another thing to add to my 'to-do' list LOL

  4. That is just so blimin clever and cute and very useful!! You are just too talented Mrs Boxoftrix ;) x


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