
Monday 1 April 2013

Spring Sampler & Easter offerings

A little progress on my spring sampler 

I decided to try my hand at Portuguese Border stitch using this lovely Caron Wildflower thread called Raspberry Sorbet.

along the third line 
I enjoyed working the stitch which looks similar to Heavy Chain
 but is worked in a completely different way,

very enjoyable and easy going, 
most of this is worked on the top of the fabric
 love the effect of the thread too
this is the underside,
Unfortunately, once finished I realised that I had in fact stitched along the wrong row :(
so I had to snip it out 
not too laborious, 
quite quick really .... now I get to stitch it all over again ! 
in the right place this time :)

 Primroses on the top row I stitched the stems in overcast stem stitch
and leaves in buttonhole stitch  DMC 3348 lt yellow green thread 

As Sunday was a busy day for us I didn't get to post a picture of the little Easter gifts
which we put together for our family
 Charlotte and I made some more of the little nest that she made at Nursery
We used High Bran cereal  mixed with melted chocolate cake covering, spooned into cupcake cases and topped with sugar coated eggs, delicious!
These were popped into little bags with foil covered eggs and little fluffy chicks and rabbits. 
The Azalea I bought for my Mum.


  1. Your sampler is lovely Yvonne. I love the colours.
    I'm spending my time in frustration as I don't like the stitches I'm doing. It's a learning curve so it's okay but still annoying.
    It's just started snowing again here in Lancashire, hope it doesn't travel up country xx

  2. Thanks Lynn that's a shame your not enjoying the new stitches, perhaps once you have them mastered they shall be your favorites. We have had snow on and off for the past two weeks but it rarely stays.

  3. Ooh, I do love those daisies! What a bummer about having to unpick that bonny line :(
    The nursery I help at did nests with crushed shredded wheat, but I prefer your idea of using high bran cereal instead. I think it has more flavour as well as being healthy. A wee counter balance to the chocolate, haha. Your Easter gifts all look very pretty and decidedly appetising! Nomnom :0) Mo x

  4. Hi Mo, Charlotte made her little nest at nursery with the shredded wheat but when I did my NNEB training in the nurseries they used All Bran it always stuck in my head as I didn't much care for it as a cereal but loved it covered in Chocolate as you say it counter balances the chocolate :)
    As for snipping out that was no trouble at all ;) I enjoyed stitching it all back in again.


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