
Friday 12 October 2012

A week past Sunday

We went for a drive to Aberdour to go for a walk along the beach after dinner
It was a lovely evening, too chilly for sand castles but Kevin brought a ball along as Charlotte loves to play kick around with it, in fact it was one of her first sentences 'kicka-de-ball daddy' 
unfortunately it wasn't too long before the ball ended up in the water, poor Charlotte was devastated, no one had wellies on so we had to watch it float away, drifting along sideways until it got caught in the rocks.
Lucky for us the tide was going out and soon there would be a walkway over the rocks to get it back.
while we waited, we did our next favourite thing, 
collecting beach treasure.....
 always excited at what she finds ...bit like her mummy ;)
 you can see just how much the recent rains and floods have left their mark 
gouging a trench from the path right to the waterline
you can see just how much sand has been washed away.
 as always we took a walk along to see the boats, 
 this is a little art gallery
the tide going out, leaving boats stranded in the sand...
a lone cygnet forages for food 
art is all around
everything still has meaning
I never tire of this beautiful beach we love visiting in all the seasons,

with it's treasures endless ...


  1. What a lot of fabulous pictures. Little C looks delighted with her finds, and indeed there are many lovely treasures in your bowl. So glad she got her ball back ;)
    Great capture of the fading rainbow in the first picture. How fascinating to see the mark of the flood water heading down the steps to the sea. It was probably amazing to see, but a bit dodgy to go out in weather that bad.
    Hope all has stayed calm and you're enjoying a lovely weekend :0) xx


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