
Saturday 8 September 2012

I'f it's not one thing it's something else!

I'm not going to come on here after a little bit of an absence and start moaning, but! Ive been in agony for well over a week now with the most horrible back pain that has left me unable to do all the little tasks I would normally carry out each day without giving them a second thought! 
Having to walk about with a very straight back all day is not easy to do and not being able to pick up things from the floor when you have a 3yr old is not fun!
One saving grace is that Charlotte has nursery in the morning and so is not having to put up with me all day and is having lots of fun :)
We went swimming today in the hope that if I did some lengths it would help strengthen my lower back muscles and ease the pain and it seems to have helped a little but I think I might have to go to the docs :(

I'm still a little behind with my Tag Tuesday tags but have just realised I didn't post last weeks on here so here it is....


 I decided to use the elements that most appealed to me as a child 
 The candy floss, apples and canes
The brightly painted imagery, sparkle and the lights.



  1. You have my sympathy Yvonne I had to cancel my stall at the Hodder Valley Country show for the very same reason.
    Hope you continue to improve. Take care.
    Lynn xx

  2. Do hope your back improves soon I can sympathise having been there in the past. Lovely tag you've made there.

  3. Thank you both for your nice comments :)

  4. Hope youor back improves soon - you have my utmost sympathy as I too have suffered with back pain over the years. Please got to the doctors if it doesn't improve soon as I've found before that a course of stronger anti-inflammatories can often do the trick! You tag is super


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