I made this tag today ready to post on Tag Tuesday, but I got mixed up with the theme for the 7th August, so Im playing catch up tonight with a few tags that I have made so far to get all my themes up to date.
Casinos and Bingo ~7th August
I had a different idea in mind when I started to make this tag but as I was looking around my little studio, gathering things, I found myself singing one of my favourite Bob Dylan songs
Lilly, Rosemary & The Jack of Hearts
I realised this was it it made sense and I fished out the perfect background tag cut from another birthday card with lovely high heel shoes
and the little Lego gun, the mini playing cards are from Christmas cracker.
It's a great song I still like to listen to and can do again now that I have my record deck.
I hope my tag depicts some idea of the story, which is too long to write down here but you can read them here Lily,Rosemary & The Jack of Hearts
I hope my tag depicts some idea of the story, which is too long to write down here but you can read them here Lily,Rosemary & The Jack of Hearts
Yvonne x
Brilliant Tags Yvonne! Gorgeous butterfly and LOVe the funky music ribbon. The wee lego gun is THE cutest, lol :0) x