
Wednesday 18 July 2012

Swimming & Flooding

We just got back on Sunday from a week away on in our little caravan to Oban 
The day we left Fife was wet and cold and the flooding at the corner of our road threatened to keep us at home (not being able to tow the caravan through it) however it did drain by 2pm in the afternoon and we quickly got away!
The weather in Oban was beautiful sunny and warm and we enjoyed a lovely week 

Tag Tuesday ~ Swimming

 I did actually make my tag on time for Tuesday, but as we were away for a week in our caravan I had trouble trying to post it using my phone,
 so I gave up and decided to wait until I got back home.
 I did not in the end have time to pack any ideas with me for the swimming theme but not giving up I cut out a tag shape from the cardboard back from a packet of biscuits and searched through the available leaflets and magazines on site. I cut out some of beautiful sites found in this part of Scotland, the lovely little painted cottages and houses by the lochs and glens and in the centre I featured another cut out of the famous 'Corryvreckan Whirlpool '

I cut out some swimming costumes from some of the lovely flowers and greenery,
 thinking that the whirlpool was the last place I would like to find myself swimming!
I did have some embroidery threads with me and chose the colours of the lovely heathers that are now starting to appear among the rocks in the hills all around.


Today saw lots more rain and flooding in Rosyth, the problems arise when the river round the corner overflows and the tide is in  on the Forth estuary.

 This is the only access road to our street, we have had to park our car a few streets away.
The fence on the right is the entrance to the first house in our estate which has sandbags on their step the water level is at the top of the step. their garden is 11 inches under water!
the red building beyond is the scout hut which the territorials use it has three or four step up to it, they are now underwater. The white building in the distance is the school which is flooded also. 

 this is the walkway round the other side showing the back of the scout hut
the walkway normally looks like this,

 and behind me, this is where it ends just before the park which is right next to our house.
hopefully tomorrow it will have cleared with the tide going out allowing it to drain away but Charlotte enjoyed jumping up and down in the puddles in her new peppa pig wellies :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh that's no fun at all Yvonne, very worrying. We flooded here in about 1995, we were lucky, only under the floor got hit, other people had it so much worse. I hope your area clears quickly and the waters subside. Take care, Mo x


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