
Saturday 24 March 2012

Dundee Botanic Garden

Some pictures of our visit to Dundee's Botanic Garden

This was my favourite garden

I like the clever openings
wavy lines 

and patterns 

like this flower

little spaces

this was a lovely carved wooden picnic table with flower seats
'C' liked the monkey puzzle tree
I love the shape of these trees
this house overlooks the garden and is having some work done on it at the moment, what a beautiful view they must have
this lovely white tree was at the bottom of the hill

signs of spring


a lovely little stepped stream

with a tiny bridge at the top

Charlotte didn't want to leave this bit

We stopped off for lunch at their lovely coffee shop, where we enjoyed freshly made sandwiches and tea. Charlotte and I browsed the gift shop which had a nice selection on offer.

After lunch we went to visit the glasshouse
This is the only picture I took inside there

my attention was somewhat distracted when Charlotte decided to step off the path and run through some bushes, only the carpet of greenery was in fact a pond and gave us quite a fright when her little boot disappeared, luckily I was able to grab her before her balance shifted, which would have had her face down in the water .... the camera was forgotten.

We collected some little bits and pieces along the way to put on a little nature tray which Charlotte has enjoyed looking at and playing with.
It was a lovely day weather wise, perfect for walking around and enjoying the different colours and textures, there is so much I didn't manage to capture, I imagine we will visit  again in the summer for a very different view.
Hope you enjoyed the tour


  1. Hi Yvonne,
    Lovely pictures:)

    I just wanted to say that I have given you award:) You can check it out on my blog - if you want to:)

    Hugs, Ylva

  2. Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog and for the award :) I was given the award already a couple of weeks back, so wont do it all again but it is appreciated.
    Yvonne x


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