
Sunday 4 March 2012

'Book Of Hearts' ~ Book Tag 2

Ok so I cheated a bit with my 'Book' tag on Tuesday
It was really a quick fix.
I started this one last week for the 'Book' theme and lost my way a bit with it.
So in an attempt to keep on track,
 keep my studio in order and finish even the tiniest projects I start
 and not leave them lying around,
I pushed myself to get it finished before the week was out.
So here it is

Book Tag 2
'Book Of Hearts'

I was kinda carrying on from the heart theme for February and decided to make a little book out of sheet music and fill the pages with little hearts.
Tag: Recycled greeting card stamped with fabric paint & heart stamp
Embellishments: Dyed scrim, Painted Sheet music book.
 a shell button with space dyed cords
and handmade sparkly metal bead
Metal heart painted and embossed.
Ribbon tie in vintage pink.
Front cover large heart punched from a chocolate wrapper with angels
 various hearts fill the pages cut and punched out from sheet music , painted and embossed watercolour paper, gold chocolate foil wrapper,
 postage stamp, painted watercolour paper, port bottle paper seal,
silk and painted watercolour paper.
you can see also on the last page that |I have stitched the book onto the tag
using space dyed rayon ribbon.
Im really glad I pushed myself to go back and finish it, I really like it now
Thanks for stopping by
Yvonne x


  1. playing with beautiful....and that was your favourite image of mine? Really?

  2. Thanks Chris lovely of you to stop by

    Karen, Yes its totally addictive and yes your embroidered image, there is something very apealing about it definatly a favourite here :)


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