
Tuesday 7 February 2012

Tag Tuesday ~ Heart

This weeks theme for Tag Tuesday is ~ Heart
and this is mine

Tag ~
 Recycled greeting card

Embellishments ~
 Purple velvet from an old pair of jeans, transfer dyed muslin, glass beads, sequins and ribbon.
Technique ~ Machine stitched heart & muslin layer with Madeira metallic machine thread and hand stitched the beads and sequins. Card was edged with a little watercolour paint. I added a space dyed ribbon edge and tie.

I always enjoy working with heart shapes and this was no exception
Thanks for stopping by
Yvonne x


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, and thanks for stopping by to see my tag :)

  2. Couldn't find you on tag tuesdays blog, but I'm glad I meandered through blogosphere to here, lovely tag and lovely blog - I shall as they say - return! x

    1. hi Barb, like a few others we missed being added to the blog so cant post there but I take part here on mine, thanks for stopping by!


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