
Friday 17 February 2012


When I had Charlotte my daily life changed quite dramatically, each day taken up with the new little life that has joined our family, helpless, and needy, instincts kick in to nurture care and protect. To be there for her. It can be a challenge, especially when you are a little bit older and I found achievement in the smallest of things, I have also found it helpful to to meet up with other mums and babies at group, for the first two years and moved on with some of those mums and babies to dance and movement class, meeting other new mums toddlers along the way, sharing good times and bad, discussing the agonies of sleepless nights and life in general.

On Sat 4th, one of the Mums was on route to a children's party with her little one when she was involved in an accident. Every day I have thought about her hoping to hear the words, stable, progress, recovering, on the mend, but they never came and she passed away.

On the very day when tokens of love are exchanged and we show our appreciation
for the ones we love,  her life was ending.
It could have been any one of us, going about our usual Saturday morning,
 a quick trip here or there ....
I feel sad that her little ones will not have their lovely mum in their lives, to be there, to show them love and care for, cuddle and play with them. My heart goes out to her husband and family, who will have to deal with so many emotions and find ways to explain why she can't be there any more. 
My memory of her will always be of her playing with her little girl enjoying a giggle and a cuddle.
It's a happy memory, which will live on past the sadness I feel right now,
a sadness for how fragile life really is and how things can change so abruptly,
without warning
without explanation,
 there are no guarantee's


  1. How awful for everyone involved. Thinking of you Yvonne xx

  2. Oh dear.... I'm so sad to read your post.... and you're right... life IS fragile...
    Christine x

  3. How very, very sad. You are so right that life is fragile - I've been thinking the same this week as one of my friends lost her 8 year old grandson in a car accrdent last Saturday. Things can change so quickly. Sending hugs and love to you all.

  4. Yes life is fragile and we should live each day to the full.How very sad that story is.

  5. oh that is so are right, life is very, very fragile....I hope you are staying strong.

  6. That is so sad, I feel bad for the family. What heartbreak.


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