
Friday 27 January 2012

The Red Bridge

Charlotte and I went for a little drive today across the Forth road bridge on a little errand,
it was a beautiful sunny day, a little cold, but we wrapped up warm


Looking proud in a new red coat, the painting looks complete.

Every time I come to see it I cant help but marvel over this beautiful towering structure and feel too, the sadness for the many who lost their lives in its construction and all to make possible a way across the Forth on train to Fife and beyond

We walked right down to the waters edge where the life boat enters the water, Charlotte loved it,
she just looked around and up and across in quiet thought, even to a 2 year old this is impressive

Then she heard the rumbling . . . . .
a train on the bridge . . . she was so in awe

 she wanted to get closer to the edge but I kept her way back, she wanted to see the three swans that were swimming around close to the side

We walked across to the 'Railbridge' bistro where we sat on one of their most comfy sofas by the wood burning stove. Charlotte was quite tired from her Friday morning dance class so it was a nice but not to long outing. She amused herself with a selection of toys from the basket while I enjoyed a nice cup of tea and wrote out my postcard purchased from the gift shop for my swap partner in Anne's postcard swap and the purpose of our little trip to
    South Queensferry

I cant show you the one that I made just yet as I will have to wait until it has arrived at its destination accross the pond :)


  1. Lovely post. The photos of the bridge are amazing and your little girl is SO sweet in her red coat and knitted hat.
    Take care,
    P.S. I giggled at your recent comment on my blog regarding the sewing machine. I DO feel like I am saving them!

    1. Thank you :) she insisted on wearing the hat which is a little small but beautiful all the same.
      I 'saved' another tin of singer attatchments from the boot sale last's never ending :)

  2. What lovely pics your little girl's coat and the paint on the bridge look great together! I wonder if modern structures will be as beautiful to generations to come - they surely don't seem to have the craftsmanship in evidence that these old ones do.

    1. Oh I agree none to match! and Im sure it will outlive us and our children.

  3. Hi hon..

    Thank you for sharing your photos..... what a lovely day you had - your words ae very poignant. I remember those times when my two were that age so well... they were lovely days and I still treasure the memories..
    Christine x

    1. Im glad you enjoyed the pictures, it was an impulse visit nothing was planned,not even the choice of coat, but Im pleased with the results, the light was perfect

  4. Thanks for sharing your photos - such a lovely little girl and I'm not likely to actually see this great bridge!
    Like Christine I remember special moments long ago - my two are now in their 40's! (We still have special moments though!)
    Also thanks for visiting my blog, I hope you enjoy doodling. Connie.

    1. Thank you Connie for your lovely comment, I enjoy reading your blog and glad read it today and found out about the sketchbook Challenge.

  5. Lovely photos. Looks beautiful. And what a cutie you have too! I have a nearly two year old who loves to watch trains too!


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