
Thursday 14 April 2011

More thoughts

A big Thank you ladies for your lovely and encouraging responses to my last post. I really appreciate them all and thank you for taking the time to read and respond.

I hope I didn't put anyone off opening an online shop. I will keep my shops open as I still have items for sale in them but not sure I will re list when they run out. I wont be making or designing specifically to sell but if by exploring and creating I might make a bit of art along the way, it may end up in my shop for sale.

What I'm letting go of it those thoughts of looking for ideas and making 6 of something or a collection of jewellery when it all just sits there waiting to be constantly re listed. Your right Wendie and Anne it does take the pleasure out of making things big time. I'm letting go of that pressure which I have placed upon myself . In the past Kevin has pointed this out to me before but I have always hung on to the feeling that things would get better and eventually the sales would go up and I would enjoy it but it never happens.
 I'm happy with the things I make I know they are good quality but the time and effort that has been put into them sometimes up to 4 hrs a piece seems wasted when they don't sell. I don't like to ask too much for my items but it was pointed out to me quite recently that they were perhaps priced too cheaply and this might be off putting to buyers, I felt that if my work was put at a price that most people would pay they would sell quickly and I could justify taking the time to design and make more. I was quite proud of my last collection, I felt it was a little bit different and that it might appeal to some who liked the vintage look with the vintage buttons and pearls and crystals, it got lots of views, got featured in a few treasuries and favourites on etsy and flickr but not one sale and I'm left wondering why? ...not to mention the disappointment I felt. ...gosh this is beginnings to sound like I'm having a good moan...!

Taken on one of our camping trips a couple of years ago, isn't it beautiful......

 I think Etsy and Folksy are great places to wander round and I have managed to buy some lovely things from different parts of the world.
I am sometimes surprised at the prices some people get for their things and good for them for getting the sales. I'm free of having to think all this through to a conclusion and free of the endless feeling of pressure I put on myself that I need to be promoting my work and shops all the time on other sites which I don't really want to spend time on.... its just not worth it for me. 


  1. We all need a good moan at times - and I am sure writing the posts have clarified your thoughts. Some days I think I should open a shop to use up/justify my stash ..... but then other days I think about the commitment. I think maybe we spend too much time out and about for me to do a shop justice!

  2. Yeah they did Ann thanks. Im in a positive place right now and enjoying some much missed creative time ....posts to follow soon.

  3. Hi, I had to sign up to follow your posts after reading your recent words. I can so relate to where you are! It is the same for me. I did recently reopen my Etsy shop but am trying not to get too focused on it because it takes the fun out of the creativity, especially since I never sell anything. it's all about the art, not about the business of art. i actually had bookmarked your blog awhile back and have been peeking in now and then. I enjoy your art and your words and your nature photos too. Thanks for sharing. I especially love your header, those are some sweet hearts.

  4. I think sometimes its easy to be overly critical and convince ourselves that its something we have done or have not done that causes our lovingly created works not to sell, but I think our current economic climate plays a large part & inhibits an awful lot of sales too! I have been 'forced' to become just a window shopper more often than Id like for sometime now and know there are many others in the same situation :o( hopefully I shall have spare pennies to indulge myself again soon... please let it be soon! LOL x

  5. Thank you Jan and Wendie, for your thoughts and comments, I realise that the present economic climate probably plays a part in the lack of sales, Im getting back in to the fun of the art this week and begining to enjoy it again x

  6. I'm glad you wrote about this, as I have been entertaining the idea of an Etsy site for a long time--just have never really gotten around to being serious about it. I know I'd have to have something really unique... have a few ideas, but, we shall see. Thanks for your honesty on your reasons and thoughts. I do think the first few months of the year can be slow, always a lot of activity around Christmas.


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