
Sunday 20 March 2011

Rosebud Floor cushion

Her tutorial is so well thought out and so easy to follow.
 I just had to make one....

I used a length of fabric that I had cut from some IKEA curtains you might recognise the fabric.

I made my own piping from some rat tail cord and some pretty floral print fabric from my stash...

I thought the french knots would add a girly feel and highlight the floral piping

I added a zip (one of 3 I purchased from eBay for a couple of pounds)
I wanted to be able remove the fiberfill to wash the cover. Charlotte helped me stuff the fiberfill which was reclaimed from a single quilt who's stitching had come undone, rendering it useless as a duvet but still usable for this cute project.
I calculated that this cost me less than £2 to make as I had almost everything that I needed.

French knots are my favourite embroidery stitch these did not take me as long as you might think.....

Beautiful variegated cotton Perle from DMC, One of my impulse purchases at the recent Creative Stitches show in Glasgow, not knowing what I was going to do with it, I just loved the colours, it was a perfect match for the flowery fabric!

and a perfect fit for Charlotte she loves the feel of the little rosebuds.
I'm so pleased with how it has turned out!


  1. So completely awesome! Thanks for letting me know you made it :) The french knots are perfect and so feminine. What a wonderful gift for your little one!

  2. Your cushion is very pretty & girly, I shall have to look out for that thread as its perfect for creating subtle colouring differences in the flowers. Thanx for the link to 'Living with Punks' too, I may have a try at making one myself now! :D

  3. Love the cushion!! I have seen needlebooks,pincushions,notebook cover...but this one is a first :)

  4. Beautiful! I love the embroidery detail.


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