
Saturday 8 January 2011

Peony Treasury

I was pleasantly surprised to have my Pastel inchies included in an inchie treasury by creativeseconds on Etsy today. I noticed that a few things have changed since I last listed or spent any time there. One of them being the Treasury list and how it works. It's much better now that you can save the treasuries that you create to your Etsy profile...great idea! after all the hard work it doesn't just disappear after 24hrs or was it 12hrs I cant remember....also its nice too that you don't have to try and grab one as the list goes vacant so much fairer don't you think?  I decided to make one and the first thing that came into my head was 'Peonies' they are such pretty flowers big but also delicate and they are indeed an inspiration to so many artists.

I've been working on a collection of pendants and brooches that a started last June, I cant believe they have sat so long unfinished on my worktable, put aside for other projects and the summer holidays.
I decided to work on these to get them completed and into my Etsy shop too, new year new collection and all that.
I finished them today...yeh!.... Ive been feeling a bit under the weather for a couple of days which has slowed me up but I got there eventually! I'm quite excited about these new pieces :)
Only problem now is getting a good light to get some good shots, I prefer to use natural light always and its in very short supply here in Scotland.
So here's to tomorrow and hopefully a brighter day in all respects :)

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