
Thursday 2 December 2010

Christmas cards ~ Upcycled

Every year I cut up the previous years Christmas cards and make gift tags in an effort to add an individual touch to my gifts and be less wasteful. This year I will have less gifts to tag so I tried some up cycling to make new ones. They wont win an award but they were fun to do and I still have lots more cut out bits to make more.

..... and why will I have less gifts to tag?

I come from a very large , ever growing family and the present list was getting longer every year...

However we agreed last year it was getting to stressful and costly to continue and we all agreed to stop, its a great relief for me, I will miss the wrapping & giving but not the stresses that accompany it all.

I was thinking as I played around with these that, I would still like to enjoy a family gathering with them all and hope to arrange something.

I had an idea to put to my family..... a secret Santa with a difference and
Completely optional to take part..
each person chooses a name from the hat to buy for but the gift must be a charity shop purchase. They would be giving to a charity of their choice, but also thinking that it might be fun and there are some fab things out there to be found.

So what do you think? is this a good idea?

Hope you like my little cards they are pretty basic but at least they will get to see another Christmas


  1. Excellent idea and those cards are so beautiful. If you follow my blog you will know that I am not doing gifts this year either and the lack of stress is amazing. Have just come on line in order to donate the money I would have spent to my chosen charity. Your Secret Santa is a great idea. A friend and I have always done a £1 limit and see who can give the most little gifts - it's great fun and uses up all the little freebies along with charity shop finds and handmade bits and bobs and I have continued with this one. Couldn't do it for too many though!

    Jane x

  2. Hi Jane thanks for your response. the idea is that we would all just be buying one gift for one person so not a huge expense at all and would probably set the limit at £5 too to keep it simple and fun.
    I like your idea of the £1 limit and using up your freebies and bits and bobs. A lot of my gifts to family in the past have been handmade but its too many now and takes the fun out of it.

    I havent put this to my family yet, it might not happen ....


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