
Thursday 9 September 2010

Mini quilt finished

Finally finished! quilt from Janet Bolton's book 'My Grandmothers patchwork quilt'

I really enjoyed working on this little piece which has all been done by hand. Not sure whether to hang it as is, frame it or keep it until I have made all the other pieces from the book, although I have so many other projects on the go that I'm not sure how long it will be before I begin another panel from the book.
I have decided that I'm going to resist the temptation to start any new project until all the ones I have already started are complete. This one was the first.
It's been a busy summer, not much time set aside for posting but I have been stitching away in my spare moments and managed to enjoy a little more time in my workshop now that Charlotte is a little older she likes to come in and play with her toys in there and look at her books, she also likes to mix up all the little things in my storage rack drawers and make little piles of ribbons and lace and buttons on the floor..... im trying not to discourage her to much, It would be nice if she grew to want to create things with them too :o)

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