
Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Z is for ............

Zip! of course 
a fitting ending tag for my alphabet of stitch tags
in 'Zig Zag' chain stitch
and that zips it up for me!
 I have had so much going on over the last week that I haven't had any time to decide on how I'm going to display my stitch tags, I did lay them out on a canvas
It's not a good day here for taking photographs, a bit dull and rainy, but this is just to give an idea of how they might look, the background fabric is a pale  mint green. I think I might need a bigger one, I think they look a bit too close together, I may still go for the book idea, my thoughts on this being that I could carry it in my project bag and use it as reference and a reminder of all those other lovely stitches that I should use more often in my projects.
I have really enjoyed working on the A-Z theme with stitches, some more difficult and time consuming than others but it's been fun. I'm really not sure right now if I'm going to continue with Tag Tuesday it's really so difficult to decide, I enjoy joining in but it is a commitment and I don't want to say yes and then find it difficult to keep up with so many other projects on the go. On the other hand I know there is a waiting list and I feel perhaps it's time to let someone else take part.