
Monday 30 March 2009

My latest creation

My posts have been a little scarce over the past few months. Haven't been getting a lot done in my lovely workshop, but that's not to say I haven't been busy. Its been a bit difficult to concentrate on machine embroidery, miniatures, kits & cushions, felting, jewellery & inchies. The reason for this I can now explain.
While my husband Kevin has been busy redecorating & fitting new wardrobes in our bedroom,
I have been busy sewing new crib bumpers...........

.............getting ready for a new arrival in the Moxon household.
Let me introduce you to our beautiful little princess.

Charlotte Frances
Born 12th March @ 17.04
Weighing in at 7lb 10oz

Tuesday 27 January 2009

New Project

Whilst Christmas shopping online I came across a great little book.Janet Bolton's 'My Grandmothers patchwork quilt.
It's not a new book and probably one that many creative stitcher's will have seen or read about many times. On Flickr I found pictures of other stitcher's versions of the little 'quilts' inspired by this lovely little book. So, with it being a children's story book, I decided it would be perfect for my Niece and purchased a copy for her.
I liked it so much I knew I just had to get hold of another copy for myself and have a go!
I liked the centre piece and wanted to start on it right away........
With a busy Christmas approaching I had to wait until the decorations were packed before I could start.......
The background piecing took me longer than I thought, its been a long time since I worked on any patchwork project but I enjoyed the process.
This is as far as I have got to date

When it came to piecing the children's clothes I found that a combination of thickness and fraying properties in my fabric choices. I opted in the end to use Bondaweb and fuse the fabric flat to the background ...a less fiddly option!
I will add more WIP pictures soon